Saturday, 28 March 2015

Important considerations while selecting office stationary

Selecting office stationary is always a budget overhead. You never know how much is enough and in the end it’s never enough. There will always be some employees who use stuff recklessly and some who use office stationary with care. So, if you are in charge of office equipment and are buying office stationary online, here are a few things to remember before you take a leap.   
Your budget will always be limited – and it makes sense too! So make sure you select the right kind oof stationary with the right quality and at the right rates too! 

Always plan for the year

Stationary that needs to be purchased recurrently needs to be planned for the entire year. It’s your job to assess the usage of each kind of stationary item and analyze how much is used by the employees per year. Make a note of how much extra you might want to keep in stock. It always pays to plan ahead and buy in bulk whatever items are fast running and those that get exhausted too quickly. 

Choose products with care

Colours and paints are not an everyday stationary item. But pens and pencils and notepads are definitely something that you will need on a daily basis. While considering the bulk amount of stationary, also consider the cost involved without foregoing the quality. To begin with make a list of products and check out which product you require in how much quantities to avoid unnecessary expenditure.

Quality of products matter

Well, simply because you are buying in bulk, does not mean that you buy lower quality products for the rate factor. Quality products last longer and hence reduce your recurring costs. Low quality products force you to buy them again after a while. So research the market well and make a list of products with their lowest and highest prices. Go with a brand that has a known reputation for quality products. List out the brands you are interested in and then take a final decision.

Budget appropriately for refills

Refilling your stationary that is unplanned for is frustrating – whether you are a small business or a large business. Unaccounted for expenditure is always unwelcome. Well, if you are in charge of maintaining your office stationary, make sure that it is budgeted for at the very beginning of the year. Keep a track of the extra items you place in stock! 

Use responsibly!

The most important point is to spread awareness amongst employees to use the stationary responsibly. Using stationary judiciously will not only encourage an eco friendly behavior, but also foster improve your carbon footprint. What’s more, it will definitely be cost effective for the organization.

Being able to clearly plan and purchase office stationary can definitely help your organization in terms of budget and can save you a lot of time re-analyzing and refilling stationary. Make sure you select the right stationary from the right stationary store at the right price of course!

Tips for Your “Back To School Stationary” To Last Longer

It’s vacation time already and even before you know it, you will be out buying new stationary for your kids. It’s always a good idea to plan and prepare for the next year so that you do not spend unnecessarily on stationary that wears out too soon. Well, children who use their colours and books with great care are rare. You as a parent need to buy school stationary with great care so that it lasts longer even with the most reckless use.

There’s nothing more frustrating than having to buy everything all over again only after a few weeks of buying them from your stationary supplier. Well, there are plenty of stationary suppliers in India. You might already have a regular one that you go to. But this time, before you begin, consider the following points and then take a decision.

Encourage children to care for their belongings

It’s all a part of the process. Unscheduled visits to the stationary for the sole purpose of replacing a damaged or misused item by a child is unacceptable. Help your children understand the value of each of their belongings – stationary included. This habit percolates into the character that you build for your child. It’s not about the “spendability” of the parent, it’s about the overall development of the child as a whole. Whether it is a pencil, pen, notebook or colours each item must be used carefully and neatly placed back where it belongs. Simple habits like replacing the cap on the pens after having used them or washing the paint brushes and drying them before placing them in the art box can turn into good habits that help retain stationary longer than usual.

Handling messy stationary items

Wax crayons, paints, chalk etc. need to be handled differently. It is preferable to keep these items in a separate pencil case or colour box. Mixing these items with regular pens and pencils makes everything untidy and sticky. Other stationary items look old and dirty. Select separate pencil cases from your stationary supplier and provide each type of colours a separate case. Most of the stationary suppliers in India sell colours, crayons and paints in their individual cases, so if you select an item that comes with a case, that could solve a lot of problems and last long too!

Handling glue and other messy items

Glue is a stationary item that needs to be replaced frequently because it is used for a wide variety of purposes. Art and craft classes, torn books and stickers on books. Buying quality glue can help rather than purchasing low priced glue. It could be a onetime spend but a wise one.

The other things that parents should be careful about while selecting stationary items for the next year of school are – sturdy pencil cases, a pack of good quality pencils and sharpers and erasers and such other items. Well, above all, it is highly essential that your child knows and understands everything that you buy for them is “special” and needs to be cared for!